Base malt

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Chateau PILSEN 2RS

Chateau PILSEN 2RS - salyklas

€0,25 – €2,10
Belgian base malt. Extractability 81%. The lightest colored Belgian malt. Made from the best European two-row spring malting barley varieties. Used for all beer styles. up to 100% Color: up...

Simpsons EXTRA PALE ALE - salyklas

€0,30 – €2,40
Extra Pale Ale malt is an excellent base malt for brewers who need a low-color, well-modified malt. British double-row barley grains ensure uniformity and integrity, as well as good extract...

Simpsons FINEST LAGER - salyklas

€0,30 – €2,40
"Finest Lager Malt" is a fine quality lager malt with a light color. Well-modified, high-extract, spring two-row barley from the United Kingdom has high enzyme activity, low color, and low...
Viking Pilsner 

Viking Pilsner - salyklas

€0,25 – €1,80
Viking Pilsner - Lietuviškas pilsnerio salyklas Pilsner salyklas gaminamas iš 2 eilių vasarinių miežių. Pilsner salyklo skonis paprastai apibūdinamas kaip salyklinis, šiek tiek riešutinis ir truputį saldus. Puikus salyklas visoms...
Simpsons  MARIS OTTER 

The Simpsons MARIS OTTER

€0,30 – €2,50
Maris Otter is the Rolls Royce of malts. A legendary heirloom barley variety that is the basis of the traditional English "Bitter" beer malt. Maris Otter malt is low in...
Simpsons MUNICH 

Simpsons MUNICH - salyklas

€0,30 – €2,50
Munich malt gives the light beer a rich malt flavor and a golden hue. If you're struggling to improve the flavor of a hoppy cask ale, try adding a good...
Simpsons VIENNA 

The Simpsons VIENNA

€0,30 – €2,50
Vienna malt brings out the light color, taste and aroma of all types of pale beer. Light, bready and malty notes give fullness to 6th ales, bitters and Czech lagers....
Viking Pale Ale 

Viking Pale Ale - salyklas

€0,25 – €2,00
Viking Pale Ale - Bazinis salyklas „Pale Ale“ salyklas gaminamas iš 2 eilių vasarinių miežių. Didelis modifikacijos laipsnis skatina lengvą perdirbimą. Skonis ypač salyklinis, truputis saldumo ir riešutų natų. „Viking...

Simpsons GOLDEN PROMISE - salyklas

€0,30 – €2,50
Golden Promise provides a great mouthfeel and balance to a beer that uses even the weirdest and most bitter hops, and reducing the wort density for a session beer doesn't...
Viking Vienna 

Viking Vienna - salyklas

€0,25 – €2,00
Viking Vienna - bazinis salyklas Vienos salyklas gaminamas iš 2 eilių vasarinių miežių. Tai džiovinamas šiek tiek aukštesnėje temperatūroje nei pilsen salyklas. Todėl Vienos salyklas suteikia alui aukso spalvą ir...
Chateau PALE ALE

Chateau PALE ALE - salyklas

€0,25 – €2,10
Usually used as a base malt or in combination with Pilsen 2RS malt to give a richer malt flavor and additional color. Because this malt is deeper in color, the...
Chateau VIENNA

Chateau VIENNA - salyklas

€0,30 – €2,40
Gives a richer malt and grain flavor than Pilsen malt and adds subtle aromas of caramel and toffee. Château Vienna malt is fired at a slightly higher temperature than Pilsen...
Viking Munich Light 

Viking Munich Light - salyklas

€0,25 – €2,00
Viking Munich Light - salyklas „Viking“ Miunch Light salyklas gaminamas iš 2 eilių vasarinių miežių. Dėl 110-120 °C džiovinimo temperatūros salyklas įgauna aromatingą, riešutinį charakterį. Dėl aukštos brandinimo temperatūros fermentų...
Simpsons Cornish Gold 

Simpsons CORNISH GOLD - salyklas

€0,30 – €2,50
Made from 100% two-row spring barley, Cornish Gold gives the pale ale a rich malt flavor and a golden hue. An excellent base malt for strong bitters, dark ambers, browns...
Viking RED Active 

Viking Red Active - salyklas

€0,25 – €2,00
Viking Red Active - salyklas Unikalios šio išskirtinio salyklo savybės priklauso nuo specialios veislės ir sudėtingo salyklo gaminimo proceso, kurio metu salyklas brandinamas aukštesnėje nei 100 °C temperatūroje. „Viking Red...
Chateau MUNICH

Chateau MUNICH - salyklas

€0,30 – €2,40
Rich, golden malt. Adds a bit of color and gives a nice golden orange color. Adds a distinct grainy malt flavor to many beer styles without affecting foam stability and...

Chateau MUNICH LIGHT - salyklas

€0,30 – €2,40
Rich, golden malt. Adds a bit of color and gives a nice golden orange color. Adds a distinct grainy malt flavor to many beer styles without affecting foam stability and...
Base malt is considered to be all malt that has enough enzymatic power to malt the special malts and caramel malts that are malted together with it. A great beer can be made from base malt with no additional malt.