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SafAle K-97 mielės
BEER'S YEAST FOR MILD AND HARD BEER. German brewer's yeast that gives a delicate fermentation character. Depending on the conditions, it tends to have a floral and balanced fruit character....
SafLager S-23 mielės
THE SOLUTION FOR FRUIT AND HOPPY LAGERS Bottom fermentation brewer's yeast from Berlin, Germany. SafLager S-23 is recommended for making fruitier and more estery lagers. Due to their profile, the...
SafLager W-34/70 mielės
STRONG AND STRONG LAGER YEAST, IDEAL FOR NEUTRAL BEERS. This famous brewer's yeast strain from Weihenstephan, Germany is used worldwide in the beer industry. SafLager™ W-34/70 produces a beer with...
SafAle S-33 mielės
IDEAL YEAST FOR STRENGTHENING THE FLAVOR OF HOPS AND FRUIT IN BEER. A fruit-driven strain that gives the beer great flavor and body. Ideal for Belgian ales (Blond, Dubbel, Tripel,...
SafAle US-05 mielės
American ale yeast that produces a neutral, well-balanced, clean and crisp beer. Forms a firm foam. Ideal for American-style beers and heavily hopped beers. Attenuation: 78-82% High. Flocculation: Moderate Alcohol...
SafAle S-04 mielės
Sausos alaus mielės Fermentis SafAle S-04 Angliškos ale alaus mielės, žinomos dėl greitos fermentacijos. Subalansuotos vaisių ir gėlių natos. Dėl savo flokuliuojančių savybių yra linkusios gaminti skaidresnį alų. Idealiai tinka...
SafAle WB-06 mielės
A GREAT SOLUTION FOR WHEAT BEER Brewer's yeast that imparts fruity and phenolic characteristics that vary with fermentation conditions. They are perfect for wheat beers such as Belgian and German...
SafAle T-58
SUITABLE PHENOLIC YEAST FOR ENGLISH AND BELGIAN ALE Special brewer's yeast selected for strong fermentation character, intense fruit and phenolic flavor - especially notes of banana, clove and pepper. Suitable...
SafAle BE-134 mielės
IDEAL FOR DRY AND SPICY BELGIAN BEERS, E.G. SAISON. This typical brewer's yeast strain is recommended for well-chilled beers, offering fruity, floral and phenolic notes and a dry character. Produces...
SafAle BE-256 mielės
YEAST FOR STRONG BEER Active dry brewer's yeast recommended for fermentation of various types of Belgian-style beers, such as Abbey-style beers, famous for their fruitiness and high alcohol content. They...
Sausos alaus mielės Fermentis
"Fermentis" - tai mielių ir fermentacijos sprendimų prekės ženklas, kurį gamina "Lesaffre", pasaulinė mielių gamybos lyderė. Jie yra fermentacijos meno ekspertai, o jų produktai naudojami įvairiems gėrimams, įskaitant alų, vyną ir spiritinius gėrimus, gaminti.