Windsor - brewer's yeast
Dry brewer's yeast Lallemand Windsor
LalBrew Windsor™ is a real English ale strain with a balanced fruity aroma and less attenuation due to the inability to metabolize maltotriose. Beers created with LalBrew Windsor™ are typically described as full-bodied, fruity English ales. LalBrew Windsor™ is a consistent and robust strain that produces a medium alcohol content with the balanced flavor and aroma characteristics of the best traditional English ales. Used in making: Altbier, American Wheat, Baltic Porter, Blonde Ale, Brown Porter, Cream Ale, English Brown Ale, English IPA, Extra Special Bitter, Irish Red Ale, Mild, New England IPA, New England Pale Ale, Oatmeal Stout, Old Ale, Ordinary Bitter, Robust Porter, Scottish Ale, Special/Best Bitter, Sweet Stout
Attenuation: 65-72%
Flocculation: Low
Aroma/taste: fruity, moderately estery.
Fermentation temperature: 15-25°C
Alcohol tolerance: 12% ABV
Packaging: 11g