Simpsons MUNICH 

Simpsons MUNICH - malt


Simpsons MUNICH - English malt

Munich malt gives the light beer a rich malt flavor and a golden hue. If you're struggling to improve the flavor of a hoppy cask ale, try adding a good amount of Munich malt to the grains.
An excellent base malt for making strong bitters, dark amber, brown and mild beers. Munich malt adds intense color and malty notes, but does not detract from the enzymatic action. Despite its continental name, this malt is a fantastic base malt for British ales and bitters. Used in Pale Ale, Strong Bitter, Dark Amber Ale, Brown Ale, Bock. Up to Up to 5-15% for light beer. Up to 100% for dark beer.

Color: 18-30 EBC

When buying a bag of malt (25kg) - discount 15%

Weight: 1 Kg

1 Kg
100 g