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Picnic alaus išpilstymo komplektas V1

Picnic alaus išpilstymo komplektas V1

Alaus išpilstymo komplektas "Picnic" V1 Komplektą sudaro:Picnic alaus čiaupas.6.35mm (1/4) į 8mm (5/16) adapteris.Apie 2 metrai 4mm x 8mm žarnelės.Ball-lock disconnect jungtis alui. Žarnelės spindis mažesnis nei įprasta, todėl nereikia...
Hop Bong Slėginis Fermentavimo Komplektas 30L

Hop Bong Slėginis Fermentavimo Komplektas 30L

"FermZilla" fermenteris su slėginiu ir sauso apyniavimo priedais Dry hop bomba! Sauso apyniavimo komplektas slėginei fermentacijai! Idealiai tinka IPA ir NEIPA stiliaus mėgėjams. Slėginis procesas izoliuoja aromato praradimus ir oksidaciją,...


A refractometer is an optical precision instrument that determines the density of a liquid based on its refractive index. There is no need to recalculate Brix and SG to determine...
Pet butelio karbonizatoriaus jungtis 

Pet bottle carbonator connector

Make a really small and useful keg system out of PET plastic bottles. Perfect for taking beer to a party or building your own micro/portable/mini keg system. Note: This is...
Brewzilla 100L Gen 4 - alaus virimo sistema

Brewzilla 100L Gen 4 - alaus virimo sistema

BrewZilla 100L Gen 4 RAPT - Alaus gaminimo puodas Kegland Gen 4 Brewzilla 100L su siurbliu yra pažangi vieno indo alaus virimo sistema, skirta namų aludariams, siekiantiems didesnių, iki 100...

Kegland is a global leader in homebrewing

KegLand is an Australian company known for high quality home brewing equipment. They are considered a leading supplier in Australia and offer a wide range of products to suit the needs of both novice and experienced brewers.

The products of this company are known to have the highest demand in the innovative home brewing market.