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Brewster 40 brewing equipment RENTAL
€22,40 – €44,80
Brewing equipment RENT - Brewster 40 Brewster Beacon 40L automatic brewing pot for rent. The set includes a cooling spiral and a hop sieve. Instructions for use. The price is...
Brewster Beacon 40L - brewing system
Brewster Beacon 40L - brewing system Brewster Beacon is a new beacon for homebrewers. Let the new Brewster Beacon represent an even better brewing experience and performance. Brewster Beacon will...
Brewster Dominator 40L - brewing system
Brewster Dominator 40L WiFi - Brewing pot The Brewster Dominator is an impressive brewing system packed with new features and designed for optimal brewing efficiency and ideal dimensions. Its 3000...
Brewster Dominator 40 coat
Brewster Dominator 40 Brewing Pot Cloak Achieve better temperature control and brewing efficiency with this durable neoprene insulation jacket. Designed for optimal performance, it ensures consistent heat retention, energy savings,...
Ferminator Basic
Ferminator Basic The Ferminator ensures fermentation at a precise and stable temperature. Room temp. (20 °) Ferminator can reduce the temp. to 0 ° and raise to 50 ° *....
Ferminator Connect
Ferminator Connect with WiFi It is now possible to control the Ferminator online and see the current temperature and settings. Watch Ferminator Connect in real time from any modern mobile...
Ferminator Plug & Pour
Ferminator Plug & Pour 2 will become Upgrade your Ferminator to a full-blooded draft beer system with a simple accessory and pour craft beer into your glass right away. Plug...
Ferminator cooling/heating unit
Cooling/heating unit At room temperature (20°C), the Ferminator can reduce the temperature to 0C and raise the temperature to 50°C*. The temperature adjustment range is + -0.5 ° C, Power...
Cooling coil BB40
Stainless steel cooler, 8.8 m
Diameter 25 cm.
Height 37 cm.
Without fittings.
BB40/70 Whirlpool elbow
BB40/70 Whirlpool elbow Also suitable for most other automatic brewing pots. The Whirlpool handle attaches to the existing recirculation pipe. It recirculates the wort and thus creates a vortex at...
BB70 Malt lifting pulley set
A set of pulleys for raising malt Made of strong polypropylene rope and strong carabiner clips, the pulley holds securely. Makes it a lot easier to lift the malt out...
Brewster Beacon 70L - brewing system
The Brewster Beacon 70 is our largest brewing system, with the ability to brew from 25 liters to 65 liters of premium beer. The Brewster Beacon 70 is based on...